Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Wonderland

On Sunday, it snowed. 

Chris and I noticed a few flutters while we were eating breakfast, but around 1:30, it really got going. At first it was sticking to the bushes and the grass, but not on the street. But then it picked up and kept on keeping on. 

Being the little child that I am, I insisted on getting bundled up and going for a walk outside in the snow. Chris agreed, and we began getting ready. I put some tea on for us to take with us in a thermos, and then started getting dressed. 

Being from the east coast, as I am, I have experience getting dressed to go out in the snow, and own a great many things to make the time enjoyable: leggings, a waterproof fleece jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, sweaters, etc. Chris did not have quite as many options for such an outing, but he did pretty a good job in layering up to brave the cold. 

The one place where I had him completely beat, though, was footwear. This Christmas, I was lucky enough to become the owner of heavy duty rain boots with fleece liners. Chris, meanwhile, wore shoes designed for trail running. A good option for walking on the snow, but unfortunately, the shoes are ventilated. Not the best. 

Snowy boy
                                                                           Snowy girl

After we had completed our snowy trek (and I had finished making a snow angel on the deck…couldn't resist), we spent the rest of the day tucked away indoors. 


Chris made veggie chili, a perfect cold weather dinner, which we followed with chocolate cupcakes with coconut buttercream frosting. Seriously, he should have never given me that KitchenAid.

We watched a movie while we ate, and waited to hear word from our respective jobs on whether or not we'd be expected to show up in the morning. 

Chris got a text from a co-worker that his office would be opening at 10. No such message came for me, and at 8:30 Monday morning, Chris was driving me to work.  

So you can imagine my surprise when, at 9:30 on Monday morning, I got a message telling me that the office was officially closed. The eight of us who were there hadn't found it closed when we showed up on time, but whatever. 

Luckily, one of the people that was there was my editor, and she gave me major credit for showing up. So it actually turned out to be the best of both worlds: I scored points for coming, but didn't have to stay. I was free to go home, watch Teen Mom, do laundry, clean the kitchen and read a magazine. 

Which is exactly what I did.

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