Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Taking a short break from Living With a Boy to go home for Thanksgiving! Half day of work, two flights, and then I'm there!

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Last weekend, in a burst of energy (and/or guilt at having done nothing else productive the entire weekend) I re-covered our dining room chairs. 

We got the chairs from Chris's dad and stepmom, who had them in their attic, and though they are nice chairs and the perfect height for our table, their cushions, shall we say, were not exactly my style. 

I meant to re-cover them two months ago, when I bought the fabric to do such a thing, but of course never managed to get around to it. With the rest of our house in entirely livable condition, it gets harder and harder to worry about the tiny little details. 

But, as I said, I'd spent the rest of the weekend flopping around the house, watching the Harry Potter marathon on ABC family, and the weekly Sunday marathon of Law and Order: SVU. So, I determined to do something worthwhile. 

It's sort of amazing the difference it made. All of a sudden, we had our chairs, not just chairs that we had gotten from Chris's dad (though of course we are eternally grateful for the loan). I am quite possibly the least artsy person on the planet, and I generally have to have pages of detailed instructions for even the most basic DIY project. Occasionally, though, I have bursts of handiness, and one hit me on Sunday at just the right time.

And, as is to be expected, with the completion of that project, there are suddenly dozens more that I want to undertake. I want to hang more pictures, clean more surfaces, and start brainstorming our holiday decorations. The boy I'm living with is, happily, game, and in fact has already bought our Christmas lights. Rest assured; we won't be putting them up until after Thanksgiving. We have standards. 

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I am six and a half (including one press day) days away from being home for the holiday! Besides seeing the fam (holler), I am most excited to eat stuffing, see how our den looks without a carpet, spend time with Polly (who is hopefully planning for this as well) and see the dog. In no particular order.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Wrap-Up

This post is a bit delayed, but it has been a busy week.

Chris and I enjoyed ourselves a lovely Halloween weekend here in Little Rock. Though it's hard to beat some Halloweens of past, by which I mean third grade when I was a bag of m&m's (with a terrible pixie haircut and bangs no less) and last year when I along with several New Orleans friends managed to beat the trend of going as the cast of Glee, this year's celebration was pretty great. For convenience's sake, I'll provide you with a timeline:

Saturday, 10/30:
  • 6:57am: Wake up, because I have to be at a testing site at 8am to take the GRE, and we (I) have to stop at Starbucks on the way there. Coffee makes my brain work better.
  • 11:00am: I finish the test happy with my score, and Chris comes to pick me up with a cupcake decorated like a Mummy. He eats one decorated like Frankenstein. Halloween celebrating has begun!
  • 2ishpm: Get back home after spending some time out and about, having lunch and shopping. Chris bought a really nice jacket, and I bought bowls from Anthropologie. They are the one thing I cannot escape that store without buying. Good thing they keep making new colors.
  • 5:30pm: Start getting ready for Stephanie's Halloween party. Stephanie loves Halloween, and her parties are always amazing. Her Halloween party last year in New Orleans included a fog machine, so it's safe to say she goes all out. She opts for cocktail parties instead of costume parties, but we were going out after, so we did a combo of both.
  • 8:00pm: Get to Stephanie's party, and the house looks amazing. Tons of really cool, old, antique type decorations, like birdcages and candelabras. Everyone was very well dressed, and we had a lot of fun eating and drinking  (gingerale, vodka, cherry jello. seriously.). 
  • 10:00pm: Meet up with some friends to go to the big Little Rock Halloween party, at a club called Discovery (disco for short). Lots of typical costumes, but good music, good dancing, and several drag queens. Ingredients for an excellent Halloween celebration. .
Sunday, 10/31:
  • 11isham: Wake up, start the day right by getting huge, greasy burgers and flopping around on the couch.
  • The rest of the day: Lounge around, eventually go out to get candy, hand out said candy to several adorable trick-or-treaters, watch the Saints game. The end.
At work this week, highlights included writing my second cover story, getting a flu shot (free for employees and their housemates, so Chris got one too, and got to see my office) and meeting our owner's dog. Though I have never formally met our owner, Olivia, her black lab, Moose, and I are now quite friendly. 

Also, it's finally cold! Chris and I got the heat in our house checked on Tuesday, and luckily had not yet tried to turn it on, because if we had, it wouldn't have worked. Now, luckily, it is working, because it's dropping into the high 40s at night. While I am conscious of the environment and our utility bills, it gives me great pleasure to be mostly in control of what temperature my house is. Wonder why (cough *dad* cough). 

Less than three weeks until I'm home for Thanksgiving! Woo!