Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Recently (Sunday), I decided that I wanted to start running in the mornings.

I had been running twice a week in the afternoons after work, and it was going fine, but to be honest, I was a bit unsatisfied. For several reasons.

To begin with, it's hot. Like, 95-but-feels-like-102 hot. Running in that kind of heat is not fun, and the prospect of running in that kind of heat would often result in me loafing around the house for half an hour, complaining, before finally gritting my teeth and getting down to it. And I did it, but I dreaded it. And it was always really hard and really sweaty.

Anyway, my breaking point came, when, on a Friday afternoon I went for a run after work. I ran for about twenty minutes before I started to feel faint and overheated and had to stop and walk. So I stopped to walk, thinking that I would be fine to start back up in a few minutes. Wrong.

Even though I was walking I wasn't cooling down, which of course made me nervous that I was going to die of heat exhaustion. So then I started hyperventilating, walking crooked, and in general freaking out. I was still about a mile away from the house at this point. Not so good.

So yes, on Sunday I decided that Monday morning I would wake up early (at 6!) and go for a run before work.

I'm totally converted. Not only is it cooler, but I also don't dread it because I don't have time to dread it. I pretty much wake up and go (Chris does not). It's less crowded, both on the sidewalk and on the street, which is great. I can run better and longer. And it's so satisfying to have my workout for the day done, and not have anything that I have to do when I'm done with work.

I guess in part I have crew to thank, for instilling in me that, when my alarm goes off, I cannot ignore it and must get up and do something. Also, shout out to my mom, who used to get up super early to go workout with at the YMCA before she was a Jazz-convert. I remember hearing her car pull out of the driveway and being so happy that I got to go back to sleep. I imagine that's how Chris feels now.

Other snaps this week go to Chris, who has officially put up with me for two years. Not an easy task, as anyone will tell you. We celebrated the anniversary of us becoming bf-gf (thanks, Judith) with oysters and champagne.


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