Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Little Of This, A Little Of That

This is sort of a catchall blog post, as it's been a while since I've put anything up here, as my lovely sister was keen to remind me:

Me: I've been slacking on the blog

Sister: Yes. Yes, you have

I did figure the news of my work retreat would hold you over for a while, but at this point that news is older than Arnold's illegitimate teenage lovechild. So girlfriend has a point.

So, what have I been up to? Eating, drinking, being merry. The usual. On the day of my return from aforementioned work retreat, the boy I live with and I departed for a canoe trip with some of our New Orleans friends in sunny Mississippi. Despite news reports of massive flooding throughout the region, we managed to find the only river that was still shallow.

Also, if you've never been on a canoe trip as either a) a part of a couple or b) with people in couples I highly recommend the experience. People let their true colors come out, and trapped in a canoe with your partner, those colors aren't always the prettiest.  There was lots of "paddle on the left" "I am paddling on the left" "paddle on the left hard" "I am paddling on the left hard." Silent huffing ensued.

But, we all survived with our relationships intact, and made it home safely. Since then, we've been mostly eating (both), shopping online (Chris) and reading magazines (me).

What else? It's pretending to be spring here, but I've been down this road before. Sorry, Arkansas, you're going to have to do a little better than one sunny day a week before you convince me to pull out my sundresses.

For your enjoyment, photo evidence of my life:

Sausage, tomato and feta flatbread. Yum

My wedding-watching meal

Breakfast while Chris was in Ithaca: lemon-cherry scones, bacon, Arkansas strawberries from the farmer's market, coffee. Heaven.

Shotgun island.

Maybe having this up for all the world to see will motivate him to smile in pictures with me. Stay tuned.

I'm not sure whose bottoms are smaller.

Shotgun island, the sequel.


Shotgun island, the awkward third installment (Shrek the Third? Really, that was necessary? Really?)

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