Thursday, April 28, 2011

Perfect Timing

Every so often, the timing of event is just so. The stars align and fate is on your side, and things work out exactly as they should. Tomorrow is going to be such an occasion.

Chris will be out of town for the wedding du jour.

He's off to Ithaca again, this time to go apartment-hunting so he'll have a place to live come fall. I, meanwhile, am planning on recording the early-morning nuptials, to indulge in tomorrow night, accompanied by two of my favorite things: a red velvet cupcake and some vino.

Since it turns out that guys don't obsess over weddings (I know, right?! Couldn't believe it either), the timing of Chris's trip/Will and Kate's big day couldn't be better. He doesn't want to be there for it, and I don't want him to be there for it. Good teamwork, universe.

The only thing I'm worried about is how I'm going to get through the day tomorrow without reading any wedding coverage. Since I'm not going to be watching it until tomorrow night, I don't want to ruin any of the surprises. It's like trying not to find out who won the Super Bowl the day after the game, since you had to record the live game while you went to a funeral (HIMYM, anyone?).

Anyway, I'm very excited for the wedding. And Chris is very excited to miss it.

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